Paroled2Pride's alumni are gaining credentials, securing gainful employment, and giving back to children in the community after incarceration.

At Paroled2Pride's recent Community Feeding and Back to School Drive, we were proud to see that our former participants (or "alumni" as we affectionately call them) showing up to donate school supplies for local children. When our participants volunteer, they set a positive and relatable example for those who may have been released from incarceration and aren't sure how to reconnect with their community.
It is important to show local children in Mississippi that the community is invested in their well-being, and that we want them to succeed academically. In a recent annual Annie E. Casey Foundation KIDS COUNT report, Mississippi maintained its 48th ranking for overall child well-being, with 27 percent of its children living in poverty in 2017. Before 2018, Mississippi had ranked dead last in the report every year but one dating back to 1991. Many families in Mississippi struggle to provide the needed school supplies for their children, and teachers often feel obligated to buy them out of their own pockets. Due to the pandemic, the need for community support with back-to-school preparation is even greater.
Our participant, Ms. Rice, had been terminated from several job opportunities due to her criminal record -- but she is NOW gainfully employed and has received a promotion! After seeing her work so hard to achieve self-sufficiency during her reentry journey, it is truly a blessing to see Ms. Rice in a position to pay it forward so that the next generation is equipped for success.
The Paroled2Pride team is truly passionate about creating opportunities for our participants and alumni to get involved, and stay involved, in improving their local community. Congrats again Ms. Rice! We are beyond proud of you and your continued efforts toward personal and professional growth. Watch her testimony here: